Tuesday, November 18, 2008

a Reflection

This canal is about a five-minute bike ride from our apartment.  Yesterday i was chatting with my dad and he found our apartment on google earth.  If anyone reading this is a google earth buff, you can look up our coordinates at  34 53'32.16" N, 136 59'48.41" E .  

Google earth is really strange.  If they make satellite images of the entire globe available to every joe on the street, then what information do they have about us?  And i mean they as in 'they'.  THE  'they'.  Capital A 'they'.  

Who's to say they don't have live images of the entire world straight into their offices?  

Anyway, i don't worry too much about this particular question.  It's just not worth the time.  I have too many surveillance cameras to appear on, never mind the satellite cameras.  So much to do. 

The other day, Mandy and i were riding our bikes along this canal on our way to the Hekinan library (where we are now patrons), and we stopped to look into the water.  It was filthy!  I was slightly appalled, but mostly i was reminded of this Japanese cartoon i saw that was about how the environment is getting mucked up.  

I don't understand much about Japanese religious beliefs; most have to do with good luck, from what i have heard.  But a Shinto belief is that everything has a spirit, and in the cartoon, this river spirit goes to a bath house to get clean, and eventually it does, and all the gunk that comes out of it reminded me of the canal water a little bit.  

We were just about to leave, but then i saw something moving in the water, and behold, some sort of ray!  Not as big as a Manta Ray, not as dangerous as a Stingray, but a smaller kind of ray.  Still very nice to catch a glimpse before it swam beneath the murk.  It's nice to know that things can still live in there.

How ya doing?


Anonymous said...

Doing middlin' fair here. From your pic, it's hard to tell the degree of pollution present there. I do agree with you that there's nothing so dangerous to our environment as MAN. The concept of "SPACESHIP EARTH" as a closed, and therefor limited, earth hasn't penetrated the group mind yet. We still largely seem to regard the earth as an infinite resource that will always renew itself no matter how wasteful we are. Being green is somehow still for the well-meaning fringe crowd.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I finally got the chance to do something I've been wanting to do for a while now. Using the Google Earth coordinates you posted, I finally got the chance to see exactly where in Japan you actually are. Where is the small island you went to see where you visited that artist couple in their home? Kinda like to follow your adventures on the map as it were.

Love UD