Monday, November 24, 2008

Jan ken POI!

One thing we've learned as teachers of Japanese children is that, if ever a dispute should arise, even as minor as who should go first in a game, or who should get the leftover cookie, but even one as serious as who wins the championship title of the 'memory game' (if two children end up with the same amount of cards), the solution is inevitably and invariably and necessarily JANKEN.  We call it 'rock, paper, scissors' back home, and it's played for fun sometimes, but here it's a widely used, slick fix-all, and it's amazing to watch three hyperactive 6-year olds go to this game.  They're really good at it, and whoever comes out on top is the indisputable champion of the moment.  No arguments ever arise from the results of this game.  It's tops!

On our quite recent trip to Fuji Safari Park, we were playing bingo on the bus (duh, of course we were.) and as people got double lines on their cards, they yelled bingo and claimed a prize from the prize bag.  There were many prizes, but naturally, they did run out, and when the last, lonely prize was left in the bag, two people happened to yell bingo on the same turn.  Naturally, a janken battle ensued, which tidied up the game nicely.  Works for adults too!

It's kind of hard to explain, and with all the variations, inadequate.  Youtube has a few samples that might help more.

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