Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mittens and Miniatures!

I discovered a new hobby!  There are dollar store-type shops here called 100 yen shops, and recently i found a really good one, and in it were these miniature Japanese furniture items and tatami mats and everything.  Japanese people think i'm weird for liking this stuff, but i don't mind.  So far i've built up a little room, and i hope to expand it bit by bit.  I'd like to take it home when we go back to Canada, but the pieces would likely not survive the trip intact.  
Meanwhile, Mandy's doing something entirely useful (in Japanese: yakunitatsu - a new word for me) by knitting us some warm mittens for the chilly days when we ride bike to work.  She's already finished two pairs.  Mine are the blue-yellow-greeny ones and Mandy's are the beige ones.  Notice the lovely cable pattern.  I have no idea how she does it; it may as well be magic.  All i know is, my hands are warmer now and i like it.  

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