Friday, November 14, 2008

Halloween in Hekinan is Hilarious

This is Moika (Mo-ee-ka).  Mandy teaches her as well, and says that this girl is quite nice.  

I don't have photos of my students yet. 

First we had about three parties at the  various schools over the span of a week and a half.  It is strange to have to dress up now and then over the course of two weeks for halloween, and then not even get to go door to door for free candies.  It's sooo anticlimactic!  Dressing up is fun and all, but...candies!

Then a couple of co-workers decided to have a halloween shin-dig at their apartment on October 31st.  

We played Twister.  

Obviously, i am the bat there, and Mandy is in the yellow scarf.  I think she's a canary, but i'm pretty sure she's just keeping warm.

The chap with the red horns is Jordan, from Japanese class.  The girl in the Inuit hood is Jacey, the host, from Idaho.  She lives with the witch sitting to the right of Mandy, and her name is Tilly (from Guernsay, Britain).  To the right of Tilly is Orie, an ACC school manager, and her friend is standing in the foreground.  The guy with the beer and the  thumbs up is Kenji, a really good guy who teaches at ACC, but who wants to find work in Tokyo.  

At Nishio's Halloween party, Mandy was in charge of painting on kids.  They loved it!
Mandy was a cat!  
Mostly, they wanted to be painted on their hands, but a few wanted face painting.  These two are actually her own students.

This is Yuto.  He is another student of Mandy's.  She says the devil costume is entirely appropriate.  

How did all y'alls spend the halloween?  Any good hauls of candies?  The candies here are a little disappointing.  
Jacey got a huge bag of candy corn, and i managed to snag a few.  It reminded me of my grandma Peters, who usually seemed to have them on hand.  Pure tooth rot, but delicious!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AJ and I tend to avoid Halloween. We turn off the outside light and pretend we're not home to any stray children that may wander accidently into the complex (few, if any at all) Normally I'd be snowed under with work at this time of year (the whole security thing), but this year I've had to take October and November off for government reasons, so I managed to avoid the whole thing. YEA ME!

Love UD