Sunday, June 7, 2009

a-bursting forth

Mandy has taken our drab, boring, concrete balcony and turned it into an Eden-like paradise, full of flowers and vegetation.  Doesn't it look like a beautiful place to take a walk (on the spot), or to have a picnic?  Japan is a place where flowers and vegetables are eager to flourish.  The whole country is bursting with foliage, out of every piece of bare earth.  We even saw a tiny plant breaking through an asphalt highway!  

Our little windowsill is where the peppers are growing.  Soon we might be able to use these ones in our salsa, if they are actually hot peppers.  We're not too sure what they will taste like.

My bonsai tree is not doing so well.  I think it's in shock.  Stand by for updates.

Mandy's concern for her plants causes her to painstakingly pick little bugs off the tiniest leaves to prevent her plants getting eaten.  This is a common scene in our apartment.  My mess of books and pencils, and Mandy tending to plants.
This is one of my two plants.  It's the one that is least likely to survive, and yet it's the one that's growing new limbs!  The little, fourth leaf is brand new into the world.  It's opening its eyes to survey its surroundings to see a toilet and that's it.  Must be kind of depressing.  But judging by its good health in such an unlikely place, maybe it likes it in there.

1 comment:

kelicopter84 said...

Wow that is amazing!!! puts the lone chive plant on my balcony to shame! Mandy ,it reminds me of smaller version of your garden at home.