Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sailing Day

We have the good fortune of  being friends with the captain of a yacht.  Last weekend, he invited us to join him and his crew, and some other landlubbers, for a little race, 'just for fun'.  It wasn't a serious race, otherwise we would have been cast overboard as jetsam.  
These islands are called "Koshima" (little island) and "Oshima" (big island).  See why?
It rained in the morning, but around noon or so, the sun peeped through the clouds and then it cleared off and became very hot.  We ended up with sunburns on our faces!  It was great to sit in the sun.  After the race the captain cooked lunch for all the crew and we ate on the boat.  
Our job was to enjoy the race and to move to one side or the other during a tack.  There were three different races, beginning about 10 minutes apart, and we won our class!  There were probably 30 boats per class, and we even passed some of the boats in the class ahead of us.  

Sailing is a sport that is really for rich people.  Since we will never be rich, we thought this was a great experience to have, especially in Japan.  After the race we both felt a bit woozy and sleepy, so we went home and I stretched out on the floor for a nap.  The floor is the best place for a nap, i must say. 

Going sailing reminded me of my fledgeling interest in surf-sailing.  I think that would be a great sport-good exercise, and great for windy days in Saskatchewan when it's too rough to go rowing.

1 comment:

Marla said...

hello rod and mandy! i just sat down and read the WHOLE of your blog...ah, the life of a stay at home mom ;) aria's been napping the entire time, i swear!

what an adventure! i love seeing all of the pics and reading about all the fun things you are seeing and doing. i'm glad that you guys could do this together. anyhow, just wanted to say hi and that we miss you both. thinking and prayin' for you!

your cuz', marla