Thursday, August 27, 2009


James and the Beast!
Night view. We climbed from 8pm until 4am, and when we looked down on the city it felt like we were looking from an airplane. Compared to the world's tallest peaks, Fuji isn't even on the list, but it's still high enough to feel like you've left the earth.
Here we are, James and I, at the windy, freezing summit, with all the other masses of tourists. The number of tourists who climb this mountain make the accomplishment feel a bit weak.
As we descended, the clouds eventually gave way to sunlight, and we could see the sharp cloud line, as if there was a cap of cloud around the mountain that didn't want to touch it.

A view from just below the summit, looking up at all the people.
We got below the initial cloud and could see another layer of puffies far below.
This is a "tori-i", which is a gateway to a shrine. Fuji has the highest one in Japan.
It finally warmed up on the way down. We were so cold at the top!
One last look at the beast on the drive home.


Marla said...

what a cool experience! some of the pics remind me of climbing haleakala volcano in maui. did mandy not want to go? or was that just a "boy thing" to do? :) miss you guys!

kelicopter84 said...

Wow! your experience is real interesting...fuji sure doesn't look how I imagined! good job though! I didn't realize you had drove there, that must have made it even more tiring!

Tyler F said...
