Wednesday, June 17, 2009

No name post

This is the kind of festival my dad might like. A place where you can take your family and have a nap in the shade while they run around and ogle the flowers. When i saw this guy napping there, i only thought of one person. And then i was reminded of myself too, because i had a strong urge to find an empty bench to stretch out on.

We're looking at Hekinan's Iris garden, a locally famous place where the multi-coloured irises are in full bloom at the moment. i think we were a little early when we saw them last weekend. It was kind of hilarious though because there were about a hundred photographers taking pictures of two girls who were fanning themselves in the midst of the blooms. we asked someone who they were, and the guy said that they were two models. everyone wants to be famous, even in a small town newspaper.
As usual during festival times, there are many food choices being offered along the footpaths. Here, our pal James is ordering some pork on a stick. kind of a Japanese shish-kabab. tasty!
We decided to try the snowcones. by pure chance, we all ordered different flavours, and got different flavoured cups, and then we noticed that our clothes matched each others' snow cones, just by chance! so i took a photo.
These little swallows were nested in a corner under the stairwell of our apartment building. they were always very quiet until their mom came around with tasty tidbits for them to eat. then they would chirp loud and long. i managed to catch one with his mouth wide open. i think it looks pretty funny.

i say "were nested" because the other day they were suddenly gone, and the nest was kind of wrecked. so we think that maybe the ravens got them... it's sad. but i keep telling Mandy that they moved to a condo down the street, and took part of their nest with them just for memory's sake. it's all what you believe, isn't it?
Action shot of lunch time! poor little guys.

1 comment:

Dan Ralph said...

Yo Rod! Hey, how you iz? It's been too long since I've enjoyed the priviledge of reading your blog. AJ and I have been gone from home for the past two months. Don't know how often you look in on the family web site, but you should know we done bit the bullet and bought ourselves an older motorhome. We drove it, (actually, I drove it), up to Vernon to see Uncle Bob and Di. We've been giving serious consideration to moving up there, figuring that we could maybe be close to them, perhaps even on the same piece of property. Ain't gonna happen! Property up there is really expensive. Even a mobile home on a piece of leased land can be over two hundred thousand dollars, aqnd that isn't for a new one either! We spent a month at Dutch's Campground and a month at Grandyland, i.e., Fran and Gloria Friesens log home on the west shore of Okanagan Lake. They're going to have a reunion of the Friesen family at their place in a couple of weeks from now, and Gloria is running in every direction trying to round up sleeping accomidations. So, we left our MH there, parked alongside their home, hooked up to sewer, electriciry and water for the use of their guests, gives them an extra bathroom too. In a month or so we'll go back up, taking Aunty Carol with us, and stay for a week or so and then wind our way back home. I'm not working much nowadays, only about ten days so far this year. I'll probably pick it up this fall and winter though. Gotta pick up a few bucks. Buying that MH kicked quite a large hole in our finances. Would be nice to actually have enough money to put gas in it. :o)>

Love and big hugs to you and Mandy
Uncle Dan