Sunday, February 22, 2009

Skating In Places We Never Thought We Would

Well, once again we found ourselves in a strange and unforgettable situation.  I'm glad this blog is here so I won't forget it.  

We went skating Japanese style, complete with silly molded skate rentals and a curry ramen noodle snack bar.  Mandy managed to rent some beat up old hockey skates to cruise around in.  I begged to be pushed around in a chair thing, but nobody would push it.  Just jokes, i didn't beg...

Some of Mandy's kind adult students offered to take us in a van to a skating rink right beside the sea.  
It was hilarious, fresh, and the view was beautiful.  Little green mountains and the sea with islands.
This is Hiroko, who required a little assistance to get going on her skates.  We rescued her from an afternoon of clinging to the railing.  After a while, she was doing well on her own.  
Left to right: Masaki, Hiroko, Mandy, Aya, Orie (who manages one of our schools), and Fukashi.  All very lovely people.  
I was standing on skates in the rink when i took this picture of the ocean.  The mystery for me was how the rink ice ever formed in the first place.  it was well above zero.  
Top to bottom:  Mandy's skates and my skates.  mine had toe picks and the spiky heel blade.  I stumbled and nearly fell a few times, RIGHT ON MY HEAD.

I'm glad, especially for Mandy, that we were able to have this little adventure.  I know she misses hockey sometimes.  Our hosts were very impressed with her smooth agility on the skates.  and so fast!  Hayai de su yo!


Anonymous said...

I love everything on your blog. Such an awesome diary to keep. Way to go Rodney and a little bit Mandy. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Yeh I did it right this time and it got there.