Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Everyday People

well, today is a nice, sunny relief from the clouds and rain of yesterday.  i can't believe that it's december 10th and we're airing out the apartment with fresh, warm air from outside.  i like that part of not being in Canada at this time of year.  but i sure will miss family Christmases when we sit down to the traditional Japanese Christmas meal: a bucket of KFC.  deeelicious!

Mandy's been perfecting the art of soup-making, and she makes a nice big pot of it usually every week, and then we eat it for a couple days.  it's a heartwarming routine and a nice break from my specialty of pasta.  but we try to eat Japanese food too, which is delicious, but still relatively unknown, at least to cook.  

today i vacuumed the apartment and scrubbed under the cooker, and it was a mess under there!  but i try to think about CS Lewis's wise words about housework.  what were they again?...
i forget the quote verbatim, but he says that housework is a good way to ward off idleness and is a good alternative to grumbling.  or something like that.  i don't often grumble, but still.  it's nice to do something that has a tangible result, unlike teaching.  i find that teaching is a lot of process and not a lot of product.  we're supposed to embrace that reality, but it doesn't always feel very fulfilling.  but getting the cockroach bait out of the kitchen, now that's fulfilling!

anyway, just wanted to write a quick note.  i wonder how people are doing back in N.A.  

if you like, leave a comment.  it's easy and fun!  

1 comment:

hp said...

I'm jealous...airing out apartment...its -30 here, miss you guys